The Art Style of NML

Hello folks, how are you doing? I’m here today with the Visual Art Style behind National Mech League. Mostly everything that you are going to see here is related to the Pre-Production Phase that we had in Term 04. Consider the Visual Style of the game as something EXTREMELY important....

What is National Mec...

Loads of changes, loads of arguments, loads of questions… and here we are now! Production Phase, 2nd Floor, a team of three guys. This is National Mech League. 😀 Oh, wait, what?! A team of three guys? Yeah! Team Baking Power ended up jumping from 4 Team Members, to 2, and finally...

Single Player: Sand and Dust

Hey guys, how are you doing? After a while without show my face around here, I’m writing this quick post right now to show the result of  the Single Player Level that I delivered some time ago, in Term 04. For more details about a full description of the level, with the Paper Layout, Cell Diagram, White boxing and some Kismet Scripts, please check my old post here. This post is exclusively just to show a video that I recorded while I was testing my level. I hope you guys enjoy! Sand and Dust is a Single-Player Map that features two very different environments, presenting a big and warm desert and an old Maya Temple, full of nature....

Mission Design: The ...

Hey ya, how are you? Term 04 is finally over. UHA! Pre-Production Phase finished and in one and a half week we will return with all energy to start the Production. But, for now, this post is dedicated to the Mission Design class that we have inside the Level Design Streaming of Term 04. As...

Work in Progress

Hi everyone, how it’s going? I’m here with a very brief and simple post just to show up and explain my huge absence in the website. Yeah, I’m still alive. And no! I didn’t gave up of the site or our Final Project. This term has been very, VERY BUSY! Too many things to...

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