Mission Design: The ...

Hey ya, how are you? Term 04 is finally over. UHA! Pre-Production Phase finished and in one and a half week we will return with all energy to start the Production. But, for now, this post is dedicated to the Mission Design class that we have inside the Level Design Streaming of Term 04. As...

LD: Single Player Mi...

Hey guys, what’s up? During the Term 03 in Level Design 2, we had two different projects. The first one – that I already presented here – was the Capture the Flag level, in which we worked as a team and we developed a level following all rules of CTF game. For the second...

DeathMatch: Dust Sto...

Time is running and you have no idea how hard have been these last days for me. A lot of pressure and final projects to submit, and also, a lot of lost thoughts in my mind. But this is life and we need to go fight for it. So, here I am again to quick present – at 4AM lol – the most...

CTF: Metro Interitum

Hey guys, how are you? Unfortunately, I barely have time to post new things around here. Each new term at school we receive a loads of new projects to do, and every week with less time. So, for the last time, I’m sorry. I don’t want to always start a new post asking sorry, so I...

Month: 04 / Term 3 O...

Good afternoon, everyone. Month 04 is over and we already started the Term 3. Everybody are pretty excited now, because of the streaming selection and the new types of classes and teachers. Today we already had the first Game Art – 3D Modelling 1 Class. And it was very nice. We can see...

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